Friday, March 27, 2009

Busy Bee...

After my day of cooking, I was in a rush to get out of the house and go to my first sewing class. Well, it wasn't really a class - a few friends decided to get together for a sewing club. Since I don't really know anything about sewing, my dear friend Claudia gave me a quick lesson and extra attention during the evening.

For my first project, I am attempting to make an apron for my niece Sophia. I didn't use a pattern, so we'll see how well that turns out ;) but here's a picture of it in the works. I still have to add the straps and finish the edges.
The get together was a lot of fun. It was a few girls from high school and then another that Claudia knows from a class she's taught at Fancy Tiger. We each brought in some snacks to share and Claudia brought in a bottle of wine too! My kind of club! I'm looking forward to learning this new craft and already have plans for stocking stuffers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tommy...I am going to enjoy following your blog - we like the same kind of music, books, food, theatre. I have to tell of my greatest thrills was securing front row tickets to Phantom when Paul Stanley from KISS played the Phantom! OMG...I was in HEAVEN!