Saturday, January 10, 2009

Monster game face...

Tonight was the season home opener for the Colorado Mammoth. They got creamed. At one point the score was 11-1. Final was 14-5. uck.

But you know what? I still had a blast. My great nephew and niece came over when I started getting ready and they wanted me to paint their faces, so I did. My nephew kept making "monster game faces" and saying "Go Mammoth!". It was so freaking cute.

You know what else? Even though it was clear there wasn't a chance of a win, on the last goal the Mammoth made, the fans still stood up and cheered like as if they were winning the super bowl. And we were all on our feet for the last 90 seconds - as is custom - cheering our team on. There were some crazy fights in those last two minutes, and it got us all pumped up anyway. I love the Colorado Mammoth!

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